What are the Costs of Hypnotherapy Sessions?

One to One and Self-Paced Online Sessions

As with any professional service you will find that prices vary hugely for hypnotherapy services. If you are working with a hypnotherapist on a one to one basis you can expect to pay between £70-£200 per session depending on the therapist.

With one to one services you can expect to have typically 4 sessions per issue, but a reputable hypnotherapist will advise you at a consultation session as to how many sessions they believe will be necessary. Julie's one 2 one packages start from £799 and there is a VIP 3 Month Package for £1,495

Some hypnotherapists will be happy for you to pay per session but most will offer a package of sessions to be paid for upfront. When looking at hypnotherapy courses it is important to check whether or not they have any live sessions, which can be very helpful for accountability and how the course supports you through your journey.

Our The Real Me ® Course starts with a 4 week introductory course is run as a self-paced version where you catch up with the weekly videos in your own time

We have a great deal of follow up and support which keeps you feeling a part of everything and supported.

The Introductory 4 week course currently costs £295 and you get a great deal of support. Even though this course is self-paced you are offered the opportunity to join regular live Q&A sessions  details are given on starting the course.  

 From Nearly There to Really There

This is our flagship 6 week course for those who are committed to an intensive transformation. Next course will be running in September 2024. £695.

Short Courses

Currently 4 session short course in:

Self-Esteem £ 295

A Self-Paced 10 Session Hypnotherapy Course for Singers £495

 Email [email protected] for more information.